The AVR-Sandbox project
General Electronics Blog:
- Circuitry
- Voltage, Current, and Resistance
- Ohm’s Law
- BJ Transistors
- Mosfets
- Amplifiers
- Capacitors
- Batteries
- Power Supplies
- AC Circuits
- Inductors
- RLC Circuits
- Diodes
- Electrical/Mechanical Relays
- Oscillators
Digital Electronics Blog:
- Number format system
- Basic Logic gates
- Combinatoric Logic gates
- Flip flops
- Binary Decoders
- Multiplexers
- Counters
- Shift Registers
- Voltage Comparators
- Analog Digital Converters
- Digital Analog Converters
Embedded Systems protocols and interfaces:
- General Purpose Input/Output - GPIO
- Universal Asynchronous Reciever/Transmitter - UART
- Serial Peripheral Interface - SPI
- Analog Digital Converter - ADC
- Two Wire Interface - TWI
- Pulse Width Modulation - PWM
- DIY Protocol
Embedded Systems Design:
- AVR MCUs Architecture (ATmega32A/8P
- ARM MCUs Architecture (M-variant/A-variant)
- X86 CISC Architecture
- Static Libraries
- Dynamic Libraries
- Static V.S. Dynamic libraries
- Embedded Design Patterns
- Composite Pattern
- Finite State Automata (FSA)
Coding tricks and hacks:
Disclaimer: this section is for fun and to explore how the memory works under the hood, it’s not the best practice by any means.
- C arrays and Pointers Overview
- Expandable memory using “Dynamic Memory Allocation”
- Manually partitioning memory
- Memory Packing
- Struct hacks
- Pointers Alternatives
- Pointers in Java
- Memory Ownership, shared memory, restricted memory, and limited access memory
Featured Projects:
- MCP3008 ADC Operation
- Basic Operation of TIP122 as a switch
- SerialMonitor API
- Serial4j API
- Static V.S. Dynamic Libraries
- Makefile tutorial
- CMake tutorial
Our Features
Distributed Simulation
An overview of distributed simulation systems.
Insights into the Distributed Space Exploration Simulation System project of NASA.
Educational Applications
How educational institutions can benefit from simulation systems.
Scalable Solutions
Implementing scalable solutions for various needs.
Pavly Gerges
Egypt, Cairo