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Exploring Distributed Simulation Systems

Discrete Mathematics I: Appendix-C: Analysis by example

Test for transitivity of relations in set A, where R represents the set of the relations from A to A; such that {A R A} can be deployed:

  • Bool isTransitive(MAT, N):
2. FOR I = 1 THRU N
  a. FOR J = 1 THRU N
    1. IF (MAT[I,J] = 1) THEN
      a. FOR K = 1 THRU N
        1. IF (MAT[J,K] = 1 and MAT[I,K] = 1) THEN
          a. RESULT ← F

### 1) Main loops - Closures analysis:

  • Proof: \(Since, f(N) = C(N) * \sum_{n=1}^{N} N_c\) ;where $C(N)$ is the clock-complexity of surrounding closure (superclosure), and $N_c$ is the function complexity of the commands (subsets) to be executed, and it’s equivalent to $f(N)$ in a recursive manner.
  • Base idea: Apply exponential transcendental functions: \(Since, f(n) = C(N) * \sum_{n=1}^N N_c = N * N^{'}\) \(Recall, N = N^{'}\) \(Then, f(n) = N^{n_l} = N^2\); where ${n_l}$ is the number of loop closures to be executed; in case of $N = N^{β€˜}$.
  • Recall, Closure A, composed of 2 closures:
     FOR I = 1 THRU N
    FOR J = 1 THRU N
      // execute commands (conditions - statements - operations - compound closures)

2) Main loops - An Insider look:

  • Proof: \(Since, f(N) = C(N) * \sum_{n=1}^N N_c\) ;where $C(N)$ is the function of the clock-complexity of the super-closure, and $N_c$ is the clock-complexity function of the sub-closure, and it evaluates to: \(N_c = C(N)\_1 * \sum_{n=1}^N N'_c\)

  • Base idea: Apply the finite-product-set principle using the general exponential transcendental formula.
  • Recall, Closure B:
     IF (MAT[I,J] = 1) THEN
       // execute commands (conditions - statements - operations - compound closures)
  • Then, it follows that the clock-complexity of Closure B can be evaluated as follows:
\[f(N) = C(N) * \sum_{c=1}^C N_c = C(N) * (N_{0} + N_{1} + ... + N_{C-1} + N_{C})\]

\(Thence, f(N) = N_c = C(N) * (N_{c_b} + N_{\phi})\) ;where $C(N)$ is the complexity of the superclosure (aka. closure-A), $N_{c_b}$ is the complexity of subclosure (aka. clousre-B), and $N_{\phi}$ resembles the rest of the clock-complexity outside the subclosure B (i.e., the complexity of the commands outside the clousre-B, but inside closure-A.

\(Thence, f(N) = N_c = N^2 * (N_{c_b} + N_{\phi})\) ;where $f(N)$ represents the total complexity of the execution of closure-B in the previous snippet, $C(N)$ represents the clock-complexity of the superclosure (i.e., closure-A), and $N_{c_b}$ resembles the clock-complexity (aka. number of times of execution) of the subclosure (i.e., closure-B), and $N_{\phi}$ resembles the clock-complexity of the other commands inside the superclosure A, but outside the subclosure B. Now, the next step is to find the $N_{c_b}$ and back-substitute it into this equation.

3) Second-order loops - Closures insider analysis:

  • Base idea: Find the $N_{c_b}$ and back-substitute it.
  • Recall, Closure C:
     FOR K = 1 THRU N
     IF (MAT[J,K] = 1 and MAT[I,K] = 1) THEN

    \(Since, f(N) = C(N) * \sum_{n=1}^N N_c\)

  • Then, $f(N) = N_c = N * (N_{c_c} + N_{\phi})$.
  • Back-substitution yields: \(N_c = N^2 * (N_{c_b} + N_{\phi}) = N^2 * (N_c + N_{\phi}) = N^2 * (N * (N_{c_c} + N''\_{\phi}) + N'\_{\phi})\) \(= N^3 * (N_{c_c} + N''\_{\phi}) + N^2 * N'\_{\phi}\)
  • The following formulas are derivable: \(1)\ N_{c_c} = [(N_c - N^2 * N'\_{\phi}) / N^3] - N''\_{\phi}\) \(2)\ N''\_{\phi} = [(N_c - N^2 * N'\_{\phi}) / N^3] - N_{c_c}\) \(3)\ N'\_{\phi}= [N_c - N^3 * (N_{c_c} + N''\_{\phi})] / N^2\)

  • Now, if command() has a clock-complexity of (1): \(N_c = N^3 * (N_{c_c} + N''\_{\phi}) + N^2 * N'\_{\phi} = N^3 * (1 + 0) + N^2 * 0 = N^3\)

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